What is a Local Transport Plan?

    The Local Transport Plan (LTP) are statutory documents which set the strategy for the management, maintenance and development of the area's transport system.

    The LTP explain how funds, largely allocated by the government, will be used to deliver improved transport and help meet the key objectives for transport established by both government and local authorities.

    What is Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4)?

    All councils are legally required to have an Local Transport Plan, and this will replace the existing plan, named LTP3, that expires across Dorset in 2026. 

    The new joint Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) will set out how transport is delivered across the whole of Dorset for the next 10-15 years to meet some of the demanding challenges the area faces. 

    Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council are working together to create LTP4, which will provide both with the opportunity to shape new plans focused on feedback from those who live, work and visit our wonderful county. 

    What’s the aim of Local Transport 4 (LTP4)?

    The aim of the Local Transport Plan is to get residents’ views on the below: 

    • How to improve transport across both rural and urban areas
    • Ensure all ages and abilities can access services
    • Make it easier for people to be more physically active
    • Enable more opportunities for affordable, available and accessible public transport
    • Help people feel safer on our roads and on public transport
    • Reduce congestion and carbon emissions
    • Improve digital and real-time travel information.

    What are we doing to shape LTP4?

    We’ve launched a survey which is seeking the views of those that live, work and visit the county, aimed at gathering valuable information that will help us make informed decisions to improve our transport and travel network moving forward.

    We’ll also be hosting a series of roadshow events across the county which will provide people with the chance to share their views, ask questions and find out more.

    What are the next steps once the survey closes?

    The analysis of all the feedback received will take place during the spring, and reporting will follow in summer 2024. 

    Further public engagement will then take place on a draft plan shaped by the feedback received that will then be considered by both councils before adoption in 2025.

    How much is the Local Transport Plan costing?

    There is no cost to LTP4 as this is just an engagement exercise at this stage.

    The feedback we receive will help shape decision-making over the coming years, but projects that fall under the Local Transport Plan are largely funded by the Government so local authorities can meet their key transport objectives.

    How will the Local Transport Plan shape things like cycle lanes, reduced speed limits and Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ)?

    It’s important to note that no decisions are being made at this stage.

    The Local Transport Plan aims to gather feedback on transport and travel opportunities, as well as issues, across the whole county that matter most to people, and comments on any related topics are greatly welcomed and appreciated during the engagement period.

    How do I answer the drop down importance questions? (Q3, Q5, Q8, Q10, Q13, Q15)

    For the drop down questions that offer you 3 choices (i.e., Q3, Q5, Q8, Q10, Q13, and Q15), we are trying to understand what top three statements are MOST important to you. Therefore, the question will only allow you select up to 3 statements from the entire list. 

    Please select ‘1’ as your most important followed by 2 and 3 as your next most important statements to you. Once you select those three it will not allow you to select any further statements but you can change the ordering for each before you go to the next page.

    If you need further  support, please use the email address and phone number at the bottom of the main webpage to contact the Support Team.