Local Transport Plan Issues and Opportunities

This engagement has now closed.

Valuable feedback will shape future Dorset transport plan

The feedback and experiences of residents, businesses and visitors on travel and transport has been analysed and is now published.

The data collected in early 2024 from roadshows, a survey and additional written responses is helping Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council to shape the new Local Transport Plan (LTP), setting out a vision for transport and travel infrastructure across the county.

Over 3,000 people responded to the survey and 300 attended events across the county. More than 90 interested groups, representing local communities, people with mobility needs, health providers and transport operators also provided valuable input.

Public consultation on the draft strategy and implementation plan will take place in late summer/early autumn 2025.

Once adopted by the councils in spring 2026, the new plan will help secure national funding for necessary transport improvements.

Please use these links to access the analysis reports:

These are also available on the Dorset Council webpage.

This engagement has now closed.

Valuable feedback will shape future Dorset transport plan

The feedback and experiences of residents, businesses and visitors on travel and transport has been analysed and is now published.

The data collected in early 2024 from roadshows, a survey and additional written responses is helping Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council to shape the new Local Transport Plan (LTP), setting out a vision for transport and travel infrastructure across the county.

Over 3,000 people responded to the survey and 300 attended events across the county. More than 90 interested groups, representing local communities, people with mobility needs, health providers and transport operators also provided valuable input.

Public consultation on the draft strategy and implementation plan will take place in late summer/early autumn 2025.

Once adopted by the councils in spring 2026, the new plan will help secure national funding for necessary transport improvements.

Please use these links to access the analysis reports:

These are also available on the Dorset Council webpage.

Page last updated: 31 Jan 2025, 10:42 AM