School Streets
Following the success of previous School Streets schemes, BCP Council is now trialling a new phase of School Streets schemes at suitable locations within the local area. Our initiative will aim to create a safer, healthier and more sustainable environment for children going to school.
About School Streets
Latest updates
We have five permanent School Streets in the BCP area with two schools in the trial phase. This gives parents, carers, residents, businesses and schools the opportunity to provide feedback, experience their local School Street first-hand and have their say before permanent changes are made.
What are school streets?
A School Street is a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic and parking. Restrictions are limited to short periods at peak school drop-off and pick-up times only. The restriction applies to school traffic and through traffic, but there can be exemptions for residents of the street, blue badge holders and for other essential purposes.
Benefits of school streets
By closing the road directly outside a school, we can help to reduce road danger and improve air quality locally. It may also encourage more people to walk, wheel, cycle or scoot for at least part of the school run. This will reduce congestion at peak times and improve the health and wellbeing of young people. This initiative will help to ensure brighter futures for young people. It will also complement our wider Transforming Travel programme and declared climate and ecological emergency goals.
Latest updates
We have five permanent School Streets in the BCP area with two schools in the trial phase. This gives parents, carers, residents, businesses and schools the opportunity to provide feedback, experience their local School Street first-hand and have their say before permanent changes are made.
What are school streets?
A School Street is a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic and parking. Restrictions are limited to short periods at peak school drop-off and pick-up times only. The restriction applies to school traffic and through traffic, but there can be exemptions for residents of the street, blue badge holders and for other essential purposes.
Benefits of school streets
By closing the road directly outside a school, we can help to reduce road danger and improve air quality locally. It may also encourage more people to walk, wheel, cycle or scoot for at least part of the school run. This will reduce congestion at peak times and improve the health and wellbeing of young people. This initiative will help to ensure brighter futures for young people. It will also complement our wider Transforming Travel programme and declared climate and ecological emergency goals.
Latest updates
We have five permanent School Streets in the BCP area with two schools in the trial phase. This gives parents, carers, residents, businesses and schools the opportunity to provide feedback, experience their local School Street first-hand and have their say before permanent changes are made.
Recent School Street trial schools
Permanent School Streets
Frequently Asked Questions
School Streets temporarily restrict motor vehicle access into streets near school entrances during school opening and closing times. They help to encourage families to walk, scoot or cycle to school, making the area immediately outside the school safer for all.
The main aim of a School Street is to reduce the amount of traffic on streets around a school. There are many benefits for everyone, including:
- Reducing congestion
- Improved road safety and perceptions of ‘feeling’ safe
- Reduced air pollution
- Better access and parking for residents and businesses
A specific street or a section of the street around a participating school will temporarily restrict non-essential motor vehicle access at set times in the morning and afternoon. Vehicles will not be allowed to enter the street during the operating times unless they are exempt (see below).
Signs and barriers at the entrances to the scheme will inform drivers of the restriction. Advanced warning signs will be installed where necessary. Stewards at the barriers will grant access for residents of the street, or for disabled access, emergency vehicles, etc.
A School Street scheme will operate on weekdays at drop-off and pick up times during term-time only.
The operating times will depend on the participating school and timed to align with pupils arriving and leaving school. In practice, restrictions are likely to be in place for up to one hour in the morning and up to one hour in the afternoon.
A School Street scheme will operate on weekdays at drop-off and pick up times during term-time only.
The operating times will depend on the participating school and timed to align with pupils arriving and leaving school. In practice, restrictions are likely to be in place for up to one hour in the morning and up to one hour in the afternoon.
The trial is due to take place from January/February until the end of the school year, excluding the school Easter and half term holidays. Any changes to the proposed trial dates will be publicised.
The scheme will undergo a full review at the end of the trial period. We will be monitoring the impact of the measures and will listen to feedback from residents, parents and the school.
The restrictions are operated in partnership with the schools and BCP Council.. A traffic regulation order (TRO) will be put in place, which allows the road to be temporarily closed by law. As a legal document, TRO’s help us manage the highway network for all road users, improving safety and access.
School Streets for Residents
Yes. Residents will be permitted to enter or leave the designated School Street during operating times. The stewards manning the barriers will let you through; they may ask you to confirm your address. As there will be children and families in the road, anyone needing to drive through the restricted area should limit their speed to walking pace (approx. 5mph) for everybody’s safety and comfort.
Yes. Carers can enter and leave the scheme at any time to carry out their caring duties. They may be asked to show their work ID to the stewards on the barrier.
We would ask residents to try to schedule deliveries, so they arrive outside the restricted times. If this is not possible, delivery drivers would be permitted to enter the zone.
Access for visitors, trades people and deliveries will still be allowed, although we would ask residents to try to schedule tradespeople to arrive outside the restricted times if possible.
We would ask that any visitors could try and time their arrivals and departures outside of the closure times. However, if they enter the restricted area before the restriction start time, they can leave the street at any time.
School Streets for others
Yes. Blue Badge holders are permitted to enter and leave the School Street. Blue Badge holders are requested to ensure that their Blue Badge is clearly visible on the dashboard.
Yes. If the school has on-premises parking, school staff would be permitted to enter the School Street during the timed restrictions to access the parking. We ask staff to avoid doing this if possible, and to arrive and leave outside the times the restrictions are in place.
No. During the restricted times, parents or carers will not be allowed to enter the School Street in their vehicles, unless you or your child are a Blue Badge holder. You will still be able to walk, cycle or scoot to school, or to park a little further away and walk the last bit (“Park and Stride”).
For drivers who do not live or work on the School Street
Other drivers who want to access the School Street must arrive outside the hours of operation, or they can temporarily park outside the zone and then move their vehicle once the timed restrictions end.
Vehicles already parked within the School Street area before the restrictions start will be able to leave but asked to drive at walking pace (approx. 5mph) for everyone’s safety.
Emergency services and contracted school transport, either dropping off or picking up pupils from the school or their home address if it is within a School Street scheme will be permitted.
- Blue Badge holders
- Emergency services
- Businesses with premises on the street
- Businesses making deliveries
- Carers or doctors
- Residents of the School Street
- School staff accessing on-site parking only
- School transport providers