My tenancy / lease

    Will changes to the service affect my tenancy agreement?

    Some changes may be necessary as we will need to ensure that all new and existing tenants have broadly the same terms and conditions. We would  consult with tenants before making any changes.

    Will my rent increase if there is a new tenancy with different terms and conditions?

    No. Rents are increased annually in according to a national rent setting policy that applies to all social landlords.

    Will it affect my security of tenure?

    No.  Your right to remain in your home according to your tenancy agreement cannot be removed or diminished. We will make sure that any additional rights that exist are applied consistently across all tenancies.

    Will rent and service charges remain the same?

    Your rent and service charges will stay the same initially and will only change at your usual annual review. We will have to ensure that tenants pay the same service charges so changes will need to be made in the future to ensure consistency.

    Will standing orders or direct debits need to be changed when the merger is done?

    All rent that is received is already paid into the Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The HRA is currently split into two neighbourhood accounts, one for Bournemouth and one for Poole and in time we will have just one account. Residents will not need to amend their direct debits or standing orders for their rent at this stage and we will keep them informed of any changes in the future.

    Will I lose my rent and garage account credit?

    No – all credits will remain on your accounts

    Will I have to sign a new tenancy agreement?

    No.  All current tenancies remain in place under the new arrangements

    Will we all remain council tenants?

    Yes – BCP currently owns all the council stock that is managed by PHP and all that is changing is the management arrangements, all tenants of PHP will remain council tenants

    Will the succession rights change?

    Basic succession rights are set out in law and will not change, but we will need to align our approach to any additional or discretionary succession that is allowed.

    What is the module that BCP uses for the leaseholders who live in sheltered housing?

    As the services are brought together there will be an opportunity for all leaseholders to discuss service delivery via relevant resident engagement panels.  We will keep you updated on this as the work emerges but is not likely to start until 2022.

How will it affect services?

    Will my housing officer or income officer change?

    Your housing and income officer will stay the same for now.  There may be future changes as the teams come together.

    Will there still be the ‘Nice’ scheme?

    This is a budget available for spending on community projects by residents in Poole. We will be looking at how we work with our residents on community projects.

    Will you provide a better repair service?

    We aim to deliver even better services for residents through this review and the feedback that we get from the consultation with residents will be used to help design the new housing service.

    Will it take longer to get decisions e.g., complaints, repairs, ASB etc.?

    No, our intention is to ideally  improve current levels of service delivery to residents as a result of this review.

    Who will deal with complaints?

    The new housing service will deal with complaints from residents. Both neighbourhoods currently have a two-stage process and residents can refer to the Housing Ombudsman if they remain dissatisfied. This will not change but we will work with residents to improve our complaint handling.

    Who will provide extra care properties?

    BCP and PHP currently provide extra care properties and there will no immediate change in this provision in our new housing service. However, a separate review of extra care is taking place which may result in changes.

    Where will my local housing office be?

    There are no plans at this stage to close our offices at Beech House or at the Kinson Hub so these will remain available for residents to visit. We do not know where local offices will be based in the future but we will ensure the future housing service is still easily accessible to all residents.

    Will services be cut?

    We anticipate that the changes will result in some savings by reducing duplication. Any savings can only be reinvested in new homes or services for residents and our  aim is to create a new housing service which provides even better outcomes for residents.

    Who will I call if I have a problem?

    Right now, you will continue to call us on our usual numbers and we’ll tell you about any changes.

    Who will provide repairs?

    We have yet to reach the point of designing the housing service for the future so we cannot answer this question at this stage.  However, it is our intention to deliver quality repairs and maintenance and we will seek the best way of doing so.

    Will there be a specialist team available to help me with my benefits?

    We have yet to reach the point of designing the new housing service but we will continue to support residents with help where needed to enable them to maintain their tenancy.

    What will happen to PHP and the current Bournemouth Housing Landlord team?

    We won’t have Poole Housing Partnership (PHP) or the current Bournemouth Housing Landlord Team, we will have a new joined up improved housing service.

    Will it be possible to build in more digital processes, such as reporting a repair, completing diary sheets for ASB and giving feedback on different Neighbourhood Management services?

    Yes, we want to make the most of digital processes in line with the Council’s wider programme of improving access.  We will listen to residents and work with you to improve and deliver even better services.

    Will there be some benchmarking when the future service is designed, for example using best practice for our new service?

    Yes, we will be looking at how we perform compared to others and putting in place improvements where we can.

    Are staff at risk?

    There may be a reduction in staff because of the current duplication across the two teams. There would be a separate consultation with staff on this.

    Is this a takeover by BCP Council?

    No. By combining the two housing services, we aim to pick the ‘best of both worlds’ to further improve services for residents and create a new combined team.

    Will the council properties be given over to or become a housing association?

    No – this option is not being considered

    Will I have to change my standing order details?

    No, not due to this change.  As we bring our services together we may need to make some changes to how payments are made but we will tell you about this and give you lots of time.

    Will we be carrying on with residents panels?

    We are looking at how the new service will deliver a range of things including the resident panels that currently operate in Poole and Bournemouth and support us to hear the resident voice when designing and delivering services.  We know these are valued and will look to either replicate or deliver something similar in the new service.  What this looks like is a current discussion with a number of residents who want to make sure we hold onto things that work and build best practice across all residents.  If you want to be involved int hat debate please feed back your thoughts in the consultation process or contact a resident involvement officer in either PHP or BCP for more information on more direct involvement.

    Do Bournemouth run community programmes?

    BCP Council supports community and voluntary groups, particularly with advice and support on funding projects. It helps develop communities through Neighbourhood Working and community involvement at a neighbourhood level. It encourages community engagement through supporting area forums, residents associations and groups and supports local community associations to manage BCP’s community centres. The Community Engagement team also work with partners to resolve issues that arise in neighbourhoods.

    Will Bournemouth residents be prioritised over Poole if the service is run within BCP Council?

    No, this will be a service for all BCP residents and those living in Bournemouth and Poole will receive the same service.

    Will under occupation rules change?

    No – under occupation rules are set nationally and the new management arrangements will not impact on these

    Will there be an office in Poole?

    We are looking at options for service delivery and locations from which to deliver these services and we expect to discuss further with residents which services they wish to see within the community and which ones they are happy to do over the phone and using the internet.  You will be informed of any such proposals when they arise and we would want to hear concerns or thoughts around improvements.  However no changes will be made because of this change and Beech House will remain open along with all sheltered offices.

    Will the RTB rules change?

    No – this is a management change only and current processes will continue.  RTB approaches are set out by law and this will continue under the new management arrangements

    Does Poole housing have a reserve money pot for the properties they tenant out and likewise for bmth? If so would the merger be to have one big pot.. and would one be better off should one of them be ‘in the red’?

    The answer is that all resources (i.e. pots of money) will come together under the new management arrangements.  We would not maintain separate “pots” for each area.  We would anticipate there to be savings by bringing the services together through reduced high level management costs but also understand that there are likely to be some increased costs by reinforcing local management arrangements to ensure that we don’t lose local focus.  At the present, neither area is “in the red” therefore we are unlikely to see the transfer of resources from one area into the other, but hopeful that we will share good practice across both and achieve improvements in service delivery across all areas.  

How will residents have a say?

    Will residents be listened to, to give their vote?

    Residents can make their views known via the roadshows and by returning the questionnaire.  The results of these will form part of the final decision making process.  There is also a resident group that is working with the councillors and officers on developing the options and reviewing the approach.  If anyone would like to be more involved with making decisions such as this please contact link) or telephone 01202 123300 for the Bournemouth area or link) or telephone 01202 118720 for the Poole area.

    Will there still be tenant reps?

    Yes. We are committed to working with our residents and we will work with you on what this looks like.

    At the moment we have resident panels at PHP. How do you see the set-up of similar panels and will reps from this group [i.e., the Joint Residents’ Group] be involved?

    We do not know what this looks like yet, however we are committed to resident engagement and representation and this will play an important role in shaping how we deal with residents.

    How will the voice of concerned residents be heard?

    We want to hear from all our residents; the survey, meetings and drop-in sessions gives you the chance to raise questions and concerns.  We will also have support ready for those who need it.

    What help is in place for people with learning disabilities to answer the consultation questions?

    If anyone needs help please let us know by emailing us at link) or telephone us on 01202 123300 for Bournemouth or 0800 652 3900 for Poole.

    How will young people be involved in this process?

    We have put in place a range of ways in which all residents can respond to our consultation.  These are detailed on the consultation materials, and elsewhere.

    Will we be able to have our say in the future, digitally via email, text and web form questionnaires?

    Yes, we want to make the most of all means of communication. We will listen to residents and work with you to improve and deliver even better services for residents.

    Will joint tenants have a questionnaire each?

    We have sent one information pack and a questionnaire for each household. If joint tenants wish to complete separate questionnaires please either use the online version of the survey(External link) or contact us for another copy of the questionnaire. 

    Will the people on the housing register also be consulted?


    Has the council looked at how other housing providers have joined up two organisations to ensure this is the best proposal?

    Merging councils with separate housing arrangements of this sort is extremely unusual, but we have looked at how other housing providers have created new ways to manage their homes and ensure oversight of what they are doing.

    Will the result of the consultation be published?

    Yes, we will make sure that the results of the consultation are fed back to residents.

    How will the changes in Neighbourhood Management be communicated to the wider tenant body and when?

    We will make sure that changes are fully publicised to everyone well in advance of them happening including through our website and publications.

    Will more tenants (other than those already on Joint Resident Groups) be included in looking at the future service?

    Yes, we will continue to improve the way we work with involved residents who have specialist knowledge and interests in different service areas. For example, Bournemouth Neighbourhood have involved residents who are interested in different service areas such as repairs, ASB, Income etc.  

    Why has the Council consulted on a preferred option, rather than consulting on all options?

    The council has discussed the options in a number of forums and has a preferred option.  In order to be very open and transparent the Council has set that out clearly and asked for thoughts on this option.  This approach is honest and sets out clearly what it expects to happen along with the reasons for the choice.  The consultation seeks to hear views on this choice

    Can I meet leaseholders who live in sheltered accommodation in Bournemouth to see what the standards are there?

    The roadshow meetings are for residents of all tenures and there are no specific meetings just for tenants or leaseholders.  As per the earlier answer as services are brought together there will be an opportunity for all leaseholders to discuss service delivery via relevant engagement panels.  

    Are there are any publications, surveys or separate information regarding the new Housing Management Model?

    The information provided is generic in nature and discusses the approach to all management arrangements.  It is believed that this is appropriate for all forms of tenancy but if there is specific information that is missing please do let us know.

What will this mean for new homes and improvements?

    Do we still aim to build new Council Housing?

    The Council’s priority is still to increase the provision of social housing across the BCP area and will endeavor to do so regardless of the model of housing management adopted.

    This new Neighbourhood Management service will cover BCP council. Therefore, if we make efficiencies and build new properties in the conurbation, are we likely to build in Christchurch and will these be managed by the new service?

    The Council is committed to providing new affordable homes and it is likely that at some point in the future we will build new homes in Christchurch which would be managed by the new service.

    What is planned for change of energy use i.e., gas boilers/ storage heating / solar panels?

    In common with all social housing providers, we are looking at low carbon solutions to energy efficiency for the future. These proposals will not affect our commitment in doing so.

    Is this all happening in order to save money?

    No – following the creation of the new council in 2019 it is only right that we look at the housing services and harmonise how things are run across Poole and Bournemouth where the council still owns the stock.  The focus is about creating the best possible service and not about saving money

    Can people living in Bournemouth now bid on properties on the housing register in Poole?

    The new BCP housing allocations policy is now live. There will be one single housing register covering all of the BCP area and housing applicants will be able to bid on any council or housing association property advertised through our new BCP HomeChoice website.

    Is option 5 just a back door into becoming a housing association?

    No, there is no intention of moving the stock into a housing association and this option is not being considered by the council