Whitecliff and Baiter Park

We explored options for a scheme to create a safer environment for travelling on foot or by bicycle within Whitecliff and Baiter Park. Please see the outcome below.

We asked

A big thank you to over 1300 people who took part in this consultation. Please see the results of the consultation here. The proposed plan was to widen the existing waterside path and upgrade the two north/south links connecting to Whitecliff Road. This new widened path was proposed to have level separation to create both a dedicated cycle way and footpath.

You Said

Over three-quarters of respondents taking part in consultation agreed with the proposed improvements.

The council has also listened to views expressed and has amended the positioning of the cycle route and the separation of the footpath.

88% of all respondents wanted separation from those walking and those on bikes, therefore we have proposed a separation of 1.5m or more for the majority of the current proposed route. We have also continued this separation on for the future proposal of the harbourside path through Baiter Park and will be installing the benches between both the paths.

76% of all respondents supported the proposed path; however only 28% wanted the cycle path to be on the harbour side as proposed. We have swapped the paths over so that the cycling is on the park side of the route.

66% of respondents supported the upgrading of the north/south links joining to Whitecliff Road. This links will be upgraded

85% of the comments received for improving other paths within the park, specifically requested the extension of the proposed separation beyond its current length. We are now applying for funding to extend the proposed route the complete length of the harbourside park, linking up to Furnell Road off of Catalina Drive.

We Did

The busy waterside path from Turks Lane to the sluice gate at Whitecliff will now have a separate path for both those walking and cycling; enhancing the experience of the many residents who use it every day to get to work, school or for leisure.

Funding for the project has now been received, with work beginning this spring.

For more information, please see the detailed map and read the press release(External link).

We explored options for a scheme to create a safer environment for travelling on foot or by bicycle within Whitecliff and Baiter Park. Please see the outcome below.

We asked

A big thank you to over 1300 people who took part in this consultation. Please see the results of the consultation here. The proposed plan was to widen the existing waterside path and upgrade the two north/south links connecting to Whitecliff Road. This new widened path was proposed to have level separation to create both a dedicated cycle way and footpath.

You Said

Over three-quarters of respondents taking part in consultation agreed with the proposed improvements.

The council has also listened to views expressed and has amended the positioning of the cycle route and the separation of the footpath.

88% of all respondents wanted separation from those walking and those on bikes, therefore we have proposed a separation of 1.5m or more for the majority of the current proposed route. We have also continued this separation on for the future proposal of the harbourside path through Baiter Park and will be installing the benches between both the paths.

76% of all respondents supported the proposed path; however only 28% wanted the cycle path to be on the harbour side as proposed. We have swapped the paths over so that the cycling is on the park side of the route.

66% of respondents supported the upgrading of the north/south links joining to Whitecliff Road. This links will be upgraded

85% of the comments received for improving other paths within the park, specifically requested the extension of the proposed separation beyond its current length. We are now applying for funding to extend the proposed route the complete length of the harbourside park, linking up to Furnell Road off of Catalina Drive.

We Did

The busy waterside path from Turks Lane to the sluice gate at Whitecliff will now have a separate path for both those walking and cycling; enhancing the experience of the many residents who use it every day to get to work, school or for leisure.

Funding for the project has now been received, with work beginning this spring.

For more information, please see the detailed map and read the press release(External link).

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2023, 10:14 AM