Sex Establishments Policy

Consultation has concluded

What are Sex Establishments and why do we need a policy?

The term ‘Sex Establishments’ refers to sex shops, sex entertainment venues and sex cinemas. You can see the full definition of the different types of establishments in Section 8 of the draft policy document. These establishments are permitted by parliament and as the licensing authority, the council must have a policy in place to regulate the number of establishments in the area and the management of them.

Following the formation of BCP Council in 2019 a new policy is required to replace the previous Sex Establishment Policies that covered Bournemouth Borough Council and The Borough of Poole.

What are we consulting on?

The legislation allows the council to consider a wide range of community interests when deciding whether to grant or refuse a licence and to set conditions for the proper management of establishments. The draft policy sets out the local characteristics that will be taken into account when considering an application.

The appendix to the draft policy sets out the standard conditions that will be applied to any licences that are granted; these may be varied on an individual basis if necessary. These conditions are to ensure that premises are discreet and well managed. They include a code of conduct for staff, performers and customers.

The consultation will ask whether or not you agree with the area characteristics and conditions for each type of venue and with the approach of not setting a limit on the number of venues allowed in a specific area.

Why are we no longer limiting the number of venues in an area?

There are currently three sex entertainment venues and three sex shops in and around Bournemouth town centre. The previous policy for Bournemouth Borough Council identified these locations as appropriate for such establishments and set a specific number of premises that would be allowed in the area.

The new draft policy does not set a specific number of premises that are considered to be suitable in a particular area. This does not mean that the number of premises will not be regulated at all. We recognise that the characteristics of an area can change over time, for example if there are new residential developments, and the number and type of premises that can be appropriately located in an area will be considered at the time that a new application is made.

The new draft policy states that existing licences will continue to be renewed on application by the existing operators (subject to any legitimate objections) but any new applications will be considered in accordance with the area characteristics approach outlined in Section 11.

What has changed since we consulted on this in January?

Following a consultation in January 2021, some elements of the policy were changed and we need to consult on the changes.

The main changes are:

  • The inclusion of a section that specifically relates to existing licensed sex establishments
  • A number of additional conditions in section B of the Appendix, relating to sex entertainment venues

All changes are highlighted in yellow in the Draft Sex Establishments Policy document

In addition, council members felt that they needed more understanding of opinions relating to different types of sex establishments before they make a decision about whether to adopt the draft policy, so we have included some questions about things that haven't changed.

How can I have my say on this?

The consultation will be open for four weeks, from 14 June to 16 July 2021. We recommend that you read the Draft Sex Establishments Policy document before completing our online survey(External link).

If you would prefer to send a more detailed written response, please email link) before the closing date of 16 July 2021.

What are Sex Establishments and why do we need a policy?

The term ‘Sex Establishments’ refers to sex shops, sex entertainment venues and sex cinemas. You can see the full definition of the different types of establishments in Section 8 of the draft policy document. These establishments are permitted by parliament and as the licensing authority, the council must have a policy in place to regulate the number of establishments in the area and the management of them.

Following the formation of BCP Council in 2019 a new policy is required to replace the previous Sex Establishment Policies that covered Bournemouth Borough Council and The Borough of Poole.

What are we consulting on?

The legislation allows the council to consider a wide range of community interests when deciding whether to grant or refuse a licence and to set conditions for the proper management of establishments. The draft policy sets out the local characteristics that will be taken into account when considering an application.

The appendix to the draft policy sets out the standard conditions that will be applied to any licences that are granted; these may be varied on an individual basis if necessary. These conditions are to ensure that premises are discreet and well managed. They include a code of conduct for staff, performers and customers.

The consultation will ask whether or not you agree with the area characteristics and conditions for each type of venue and with the approach of not setting a limit on the number of venues allowed in a specific area.

Why are we no longer limiting the number of venues in an area?

There are currently three sex entertainment venues and three sex shops in and around Bournemouth town centre. The previous policy for Bournemouth Borough Council identified these locations as appropriate for such establishments and set a specific number of premises that would be allowed in the area.

The new draft policy does not set a specific number of premises that are considered to be suitable in a particular area. This does not mean that the number of premises will not be regulated at all. We recognise that the characteristics of an area can change over time, for example if there are new residential developments, and the number and type of premises that can be appropriately located in an area will be considered at the time that a new application is made.

The new draft policy states that existing licences will continue to be renewed on application by the existing operators (subject to any legitimate objections) but any new applications will be considered in accordance with the area characteristics approach outlined in Section 11.

What has changed since we consulted on this in January?

Following a consultation in January 2021, some elements of the policy were changed and we need to consult on the changes.

The main changes are:

  • The inclusion of a section that specifically relates to existing licensed sex establishments
  • A number of additional conditions in section B of the Appendix, relating to sex entertainment venues

All changes are highlighted in yellow in the Draft Sex Establishments Policy document

In addition, council members felt that they needed more understanding of opinions relating to different types of sex establishments before they make a decision about whether to adopt the draft policy, so we have included some questions about things that haven't changed.

How can I have my say on this?

The consultation will be open for four weeks, from 14 June to 16 July 2021. We recommend that you read the Draft Sex Establishments Policy document before completing our online survey(External link).

If you would prefer to send a more detailed written response, please email link) before the closing date of 16 July 2021.