SEND Survey 2023

Consultation has concluded

The SEND Survey asks the views from parents, carers, children and young people in the BCP area who access support for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Our annual survey is an opportunity to hear about experiences of SEND support, whether in school / college, healthcare or in the community. We use the feedback to help us improve and develop SEND services across education, health and care. The answers help us shape our services around the people we are here to support.

The survey has been created in partnership with parents, carers and partners from other organisations. Thank you to Parent Carers Together, Parent Carer Foundation, SWAN UK, SENDiass4BCP and NHS Dorset.

The SEND values of culture and co-production were developed with families and young people, and set out how we should behave and work.

The survey closed on Wednesday 13 December 2023.


We would like to thank all of you who completed the SEND annual survey. The survey is now closed, and we are busy analysing the results!

142 parent and carers and 116 children and young people completed the survey, and this roadmap shows our next steps and the associated timescales:

SEND Survey Roadmap

February 2024: Comments from survey are analysed and circulated to partners.

March 2024: Responses from across Children’s Services are collated into an improvement plan.

April 2024: Improvement plan is shared on the Local Offer and discussed with senior leaders at the SEND Improvement Board.

We will work closely with parents, carers and education, health and social care colleagues from across the SEND partnership to analyse the survey. We look forward to updating you again soon and thank you again for your interest in the survey.

The SEND Survey asks the views from parents, carers, children and young people in the BCP area who access support for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Our annual survey is an opportunity to hear about experiences of SEND support, whether in school / college, healthcare or in the community. We use the feedback to help us improve and develop SEND services across education, health and care. The answers help us shape our services around the people we are here to support.

The survey has been created in partnership with parents, carers and partners from other organisations. Thank you to Parent Carers Together, Parent Carer Foundation, SWAN UK, SENDiass4BCP and NHS Dorset.

The SEND values of culture and co-production were developed with families and young people, and set out how we should behave and work.

The survey closed on Wednesday 13 December 2023.


We would like to thank all of you who completed the SEND annual survey. The survey is now closed, and we are busy analysing the results!

142 parent and carers and 116 children and young people completed the survey, and this roadmap shows our next steps and the associated timescales:

SEND Survey Roadmap

February 2024: Comments from survey are analysed and circulated to partners.

March 2024: Responses from across Children’s Services are collated into an improvement plan.

April 2024: Improvement plan is shared on the Local Offer and discussed with senior leaders at the SEND Improvement Board.

We will work closely with parents, carers and education, health and social care colleagues from across the SEND partnership to analyse the survey. We look forward to updating you again soon and thank you again for your interest in the survey.