Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)
This consultation is now closed.
BCP Council is asking for your views on the potential introduction of three Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) in our coastal areas, and some of our open spaces, highways and car parks.
The PSPOs are proposed because during the summer months a number of negative behaviours presented by some individuals have impacted on our environment and the enjoyment of our beaches and open spaces by residents and visitors. These behaviours have required significant additional resource to manage.
Have your say
Before making any decisions we are asking for your views on:
whether you support or do not support the introduction of the three PSPOs
the proposed geographical areas where the PSPOs would apply (the detail can be viewed on the map)
the behaviours that would be restricted within the proposed PSPO area
the time when barbeques would be allowed in coastal areas and
whether we should completely ban the use of disposable barbeques in coastal areas
Please read the Consultation Document that provides information about the proposed PSPOs and take part in the consultation
If you have any questions or require a large print copy of the documents, or in an alternative language, please email giving your name, address and telephone number.
The consultation closes at 11:59pm on 19 February 2023.
Coastal, open spaces, highways and car parks Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation Areas
Please use this map to view the proposed PSPO areas. It may help you to zoom in to see all the proposed areas
Please complete the survey to give your views on the selected areas.
Please drop a pin in the map if you think another area with Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole should be covered by one of the 3 PSPOs. You can do this by clicking on the + symbol
The coastal area is shown in blue.
The highways and car parks area is shown in pink.
The open spaces are shown in green.