Poole High Street Heritage Action Zone Engagement
Consultation has concluded
This engagement is closed and ran from 16 October to 22 November 2020.
BCP Council asked for BCP residents' views on the Heritage Action Zone project which proposes to develop a local Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) on Poole High Street. We wanted to understand your connection with the High Street and how the programme could affect you.
The engagement focused on 5 key zones along Poole High Street:
- Zone 1 - Old Town: Quayside to Orchard Plaza
- Zone 2 - New Orchard Junction
- Zone 3 - Weston’s Lane/Carter’s Lane
- Zone 4 - North Street Junction (The Parade)
- Zone 5 - Hill Street/Globe Lane Junction
Report Summary December 2020
Thank you for participating in our Poole High Street engagement survey in 2020. We value your feedback which will help us deliver the Heritage Action Zone scheme for Poole(External link).
We had 198 responses, most of whom were residents from the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area. Two thirds of respondents said they have had a connection with Poole High Street for 21 years or more.
Shops were considered the most valued aspects of Poole High Street for 42 per cent of people, while 18 per cent most valued the historic buildings, and Restaurants, People, Pubs/bars were each rated as most valued by 10 per cent or less.
There was a high level of agreement with the proposed Heritage Action Zones with Zone 1 – ‘Old Town: Quayside to Orchard Plaza’ emerging as the most popular. Few people were knowledgeable about the history and historic buildings on Poole High Street but over a quarter of you said you want to help the HAZ programme by volunteering your knowledge, special skills and experience in the future.
Respondents also provided feedback on access to Poole High Street and transport particularly for Old Town and the Quay. Additional comments were received in response to media coverage and have been considered alongside the engagement results.
Most respondents wanted to see more cultural events to enhance the High Street including themed markets, festivals and art installations. As a result, we have submitted a funding bid to Historic England for a Cultural Programme.
The Heritage Action Zone scheme(External link) is viewed as an opportunity to unite the new and old areas of Poole. We received lots of ideas to ensure a long-lasting legacy with the most prevalent being regular engagement with the public, businesses, young people and schools. We received suggestions for greater residential use, tree planting, improved paving, outdoor seating for cafes in the Old Town and the need to ensure that the High Street is vibrant all year round.
You can read the full engagement report here(External link).
To get involved and influence the Heritage Acton Zone project, please email HAZ@BCPCouncil.gov.uk(External link).