Parking Harmonisation

This consultation has now closed.

This issue is being discussed at the Council's Cabinet meeting Wednesday 6 September. The papers and recommendations for this meeting can be found here(External link)

BCP Council is asking for your views on proposed harmonisation of parking arrangements across council car parks and on-street parking areas in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, with the aim of achieving consistency across the council’s car park and on-street parking assets and improving the efficiency of the parking service. Currently there are varying arrangements for parking charges across the conurbation including different times of year that charges apply, different length-of-stay tariff options and different times of day that charges apply. Harmonisation of these aspects would provide consistency and clarity to customers and parking operations alike.

There are currently three proposals we are considering, relating to:

  • Aligning our high and low season tariffs
  • Restructuring the length of stay tariff options
  • Overnight and Sunday car parking charges

Details of the proposals including changes for specific car parks are found in our information document.

Have your Say

Before we make any decisions, we would like to hear from residents, businesses and visitors to understand how the proposals for harmonisation would impact you. Please note any proposed changes to parking arrangements would not affect existing arrangements for blue badge holders with disabled tax-exempt vehicle permits.

Please read the information document found under Key Documents which details the proposals and affected car parks and then complete our online survey(External link).

Alternatively, you can view a copy of the consultation document and complete a paper copy of the survey upon request at (External link)(External link)(External link) libraries in the BCP Council area(External link).

If you have any questions about this consultation please send them to: link)

The consultation runs from Thursday 11 May 2023 and closes at 11:59pm on Thursday 8 June 2023.

This consultation has now closed.

This consultation has now closed.

This issue is being discussed at the Council's Cabinet meeting Wednesday 6 September. The papers and recommendations for this meeting can be found here(External link)

BCP Council is asking for your views on proposed harmonisation of parking arrangements across council car parks and on-street parking areas in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, with the aim of achieving consistency across the council’s car park and on-street parking assets and improving the efficiency of the parking service. Currently there are varying arrangements for parking charges across the conurbation including different times of year that charges apply, different length-of-stay tariff options and different times of day that charges apply. Harmonisation of these aspects would provide consistency and clarity to customers and parking operations alike.

There are currently three proposals we are considering, relating to:

  • Aligning our high and low season tariffs
  • Restructuring the length of stay tariff options
  • Overnight and Sunday car parking charges

Details of the proposals including changes for specific car parks are found in our information document.

Have your Say

Before we make any decisions, we would like to hear from residents, businesses and visitors to understand how the proposals for harmonisation would impact you. Please note any proposed changes to parking arrangements would not affect existing arrangements for blue badge holders with disabled tax-exempt vehicle permits.

Please read the information document found under Key Documents which details the proposals and affected car parks and then complete our online survey(External link).

Alternatively, you can view a copy of the consultation document and complete a paper copy of the survey upon request at (External link)(External link)(External link) libraries in the BCP Council area(External link).

If you have any questions about this consultation please send them to: link)

The consultation runs from Thursday 11 May 2023 and closes at 11:59pm on Thursday 8 June 2023.

This consultation has now closed.

Page last updated: 30 Aug 2023, 08:48 PM