Local Plan – Issues and Options Consultation

This consultation has now closed .

This consultation has closed. You can read the findings of the consultation in the full report and a breakdown in the Executive Summary. Both documents can also be found in the 'Reports' section to the right of this page.

The next steps will involve further engagement before the publication of a draft of the Local Plan.

Before we reach that stage, we wanted to hear the views of key stakeholders through an Issues and Options Consultation. We produced an Issues and Options document for consultation which was not a draft of the Local Plan. We included all sites which were promoted to us, so respondents had the opportunity to tell us their views on all sites which have been proposed. This does not mean that all of these sites will be included in the draft Local Plan.

Our new Local Plan for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole will set out a strategy for how much, where and what type of development will take place across the BCP area up to 2038. It will provide detailed planning policies and site allocations to guide change and new development. Before we prepare a draft of our new Local Plan, we wanted your views about our recommendations and options.

The Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Document explained the key issues for the Local Plan to address, and either recommended the approach we thought we should take or set out options to address the issue. Where we thought there was only one reasonable thing to do, we made a recommendation and provided a reason for why.

The consultation ran from 10 January to 25 March 2022.

Please note the best way of viewing all the information is from a desktop or laptop computer.

Have Your Say

There were several ways to take part in this consultation:

1. Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Document – before completing the online survey, respondents were encouraged to read the sections they wanted to comment on:

  1. Regenerating our town centres
  2. New market and affordable homes
  3. A prosperous economy
  4. Adapting our high streets and retail areas
  5. Providing a safe, sustainable and convenient transport network
  6. Our natural environment
  7. Our built environment
  8. Promoting health and wellbeing
  9. Tackling climate change
  10. Providing the infrastructure that supports development.

Respondents could either:

2. Online survey - we asked respondents to give us their views on the issues and options for any of the 10 sections online:

  • they could choose which sections to complete and can save their responses and return at another time before the deadline
  • respondents were encouraged to have the consultation document open while completing the online survey
  • please note a summary paper survey was available to download from this page for people who wanted to make a general comment on the sections. They could email their completed form to bcplocalplan@bcpcouncil.gov.uk, print it and return it to us by post to 'Planning Policy Team – BCP Local Plan, BCP Council, PO Box 9548, Bournemouth, BH1 9ET' or drop it into a 'Have Your Say' box at any of our BCP libraries.

All views received will be considered as part of the consultation.

3. Maps – in addition to completing the survey, respondents could also view and drop pins to add comments directly onto eight maps to tell us what they thought about the proposed sites and other issues. A list of the sites could also be viewed here.

4. Other written responses - respondents could also submit written responses to the consultation which could be emailed to bcplocalplan@bcpcouncil.gov.uk, mailed to 'Planning Policy Team – BCP Local Plan issues and options,
BCP Council, PO Box 9548, Bournemouth' or dropped into a 'Have Your Say' box at any of our BCP libraries.

5. Library drop-in events and online webinar

We held the following drop-in sessions and online webinar where members of the public and other interested parties could ask officers any questions they had about the consultation. They could also get support on how to complete the questionnaires and maps:


Further information could be found in our frequently asked questions. The planning policy team could also be contacted (bcplocalplan@bcpcouncil.gov.uk) if respondents had any further questions or if they needed the consultation materials in an alternative language or format.

They could also watch the instructional videos below to help access the key information and have their say:

This consultation has closed. You can read the findings of the consultation in the full report and a breakdown in the Executive Summary. Both documents can also be found in the 'Reports' section to the right of this page.

The next steps will involve further engagement before the publication of a draft of the Local Plan.

Before we reach that stage, we wanted to hear the views of key stakeholders through an Issues and Options Consultation. We produced an Issues and Options document for consultation which was not a draft of the Local Plan. We included all sites which were promoted to us, so respondents had the opportunity to tell us their views on all sites which have been proposed. This does not mean that all of these sites will be included in the draft Local Plan.

Our new Local Plan for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole will set out a strategy for how much, where and what type of development will take place across the BCP area up to 2038. It will provide detailed planning policies and site allocations to guide change and new development. Before we prepare a draft of our new Local Plan, we wanted your views about our recommendations and options.

The Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Document explained the key issues for the Local Plan to address, and either recommended the approach we thought we should take or set out options to address the issue. Where we thought there was only one reasonable thing to do, we made a recommendation and provided a reason for why.

The consultation ran from 10 January to 25 March 2022.

Please note the best way of viewing all the information is from a desktop or laptop computer.

Have Your Say

There were several ways to take part in this consultation:

1. Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Document – before completing the online survey, respondents were encouraged to read the sections they wanted to comment on:

  1. Regenerating our town centres
  2. New market and affordable homes
  3. A prosperous economy
  4. Adapting our high streets and retail areas
  5. Providing a safe, sustainable and convenient transport network
  6. Our natural environment
  7. Our built environment
  8. Promoting health and wellbeing
  9. Tackling climate change
  10. Providing the infrastructure that supports development.

Respondents could either:

2. Online survey - we asked respondents to give us their views on the issues and options for any of the 10 sections online:

  • they could choose which sections to complete and can save their responses and return at another time before the deadline
  • respondents were encouraged to have the consultation document open while completing the online survey
  • please note a summary paper survey was available to download from this page for people who wanted to make a general comment on the sections. They could email their completed form to bcplocalplan@bcpcouncil.gov.uk, print it and return it to us by post to 'Planning Policy Team – BCP Local Plan, BCP Council, PO Box 9548, Bournemouth, BH1 9ET' or drop it into a 'Have Your Say' box at any of our BCP libraries.

All views received will be considered as part of the consultation.

3. Maps – in addition to completing the survey, respondents could also view and drop pins to add comments directly onto eight maps to tell us what they thought about the proposed sites and other issues. A list of the sites could also be viewed here.

4. Other written responses - respondents could also submit written responses to the consultation which could be emailed to bcplocalplan@bcpcouncil.gov.uk, mailed to 'Planning Policy Team – BCP Local Plan issues and options,
BCP Council, PO Box 9548, Bournemouth' or dropped into a 'Have Your Say' box at any of our BCP libraries.

5. Library drop-in events and online webinar

We held the following drop-in sessions and online webinar where members of the public and other interested parties could ask officers any questions they had about the consultation. They could also get support on how to complete the questionnaires and maps:


Further information could be found in our frequently asked questions. The planning policy team could also be contacted (bcplocalplan@bcpcouncil.gov.uk) if respondents had any further questions or if they needed the consultation materials in an alternative language or format.

They could also watch the instructional videos below to help access the key information and have their say:

Potential residential sites in the urban area

almost 3 years

1. Click below to open the map

2. Once opened, you can zoom in and out, and drag to move around the screen 

3. To see other users’ thoughts, simply click on pins that appear on the map

4. To add a pin click the + button on the left-hand side. Drag and drop a pin onto the map, where you can leave a comment or image. 

5. Please note: everything you put on the map is accessible to others, so it is encouraged not to reveal any personal information.

6. In addition to commenting on the map, please also give us your views on the 10 sections using the online survey.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.