What facilities are there currently at Harbourside Park?

    Harbourside Park is made up of Baiter and Whitecliff recreation grounds.

    Baiter Recreation Ground is next to Poole's harbour entrance. This recreation ground is licensed for you to hire for outdoor events.

    Facilities include:
    - skate park
    - public slipway
    - level footpath to Whitecliff and Poole Park.

    Great for windy walks along the harbour, flying a kite or community events.

    Facilities at Whitecliff include:
    - large children's play area with sand pit and play boat
    - a BMX track
    - a pavilion for hire
    - football pitches
    - cricket pitches

    What other work is underway in the area?

    These documents and plans sit alongside the previously work undertaken in park. This is such as the cycle track that has undergone separate consultation, the funding for the Skate Park and the investigations into the Sluice gate that needs improvements.


    What are the stages of the Masterplan engagement?

    The first phase of engagement sought new ideas from park users and other interested parties about the future of the park.

    We held two information events at Baiter Kiosk and at Whitecliff Pavilion in September. Respondents could take part in our online survey, or use the interactive map to tell us what you like about Harbourside Park and what we could improve.

    The second phase focuses on the vision and options, with a workshop event that took place in January involving those that responded to this first stage of engagement and other interested parties.

    The final Masterplan will be developed using feedback from all the engagement activity, and include detailed designs and guidance on buildings, layouts, landscaping and facilities within the park.

    How will the masterplan be funded?

    In order to realise the vision for Harbourside Park, BCP Council will work in collaboration with other stakeholders to realise the vision of this masterplan. The sluice gate is likely to be the most significant infrastructure development project. Community Infrastructure Levy funding has been allocated to this project already. Proposals involving improvements to parking arrangements and cycle way may be incorporated and implemented through the Council’s existing plans through the Active Travel Fund.

    Other proposals contained in the masterplan could be funded through the Community Infrastructure Levy, grant funding, or sponsorship. It is anticipated that projects will be delivered as and when funding opportunities allow. Specifically, the dog training area has some scope for heath mitigation funding.

    What reports are needed for the masterplan?

    A number of reports are needed for the masterplan:

    • Habitats Regulation Assessment, 
    • Strategic Environmental Assessment, 
    • Integrated Impact Assessment, 
    • potentially a Sustainability Appraisal. 

    As well as this ahead of any planning applications that are required reports include: 

    • Ecology Survey, 
    • Arboricultural Assessment and management plan,  
    • Landscape Assessment, 
    • Sequential test, 
    • Flood Risk Assessment, 
    • Contaminated Land Assessment, 
    • Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. 

    Other consents required are: 

    • Fields in Trust consent, 
    • Poole Harbour Commission License 
    • Marine Management Organisation License.