Fulfilled Lives - Shaping our Adult Social Care Strategy
This consultation has now closed
We Asked
We consulted on draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2025-28 'Supporting People to Live a Fulfilled Life'. The strategy sets out our direction over the next four years, where we will continuously develop the services we provide. We worked with Social Care Future(External link) to develop our vision for adult social care and we want to support people to achieve a fulfilled life, in the way that they choose and, in a place where they feel safe.
Our areas for focus have been widely influenced by national adult social care changes. Evidence from our quality improvement work has highlighted the areas where we need to do things differently. We have also engaged with residents, stakeholders and our staff to understand their views.
To achieve our ambitions, we will work in collaboration with partner organisations including health, housing, the voluntary and community sector and our independent care providers, as well as people and carers who currently use services, their families and communities.
The consultation closed at 11:59pm on 5 January 2025. We really appreciated your opinions and feedback on our proposed vision, areas of focus and ambitions. Respondents could read the consultation summary and then complete our survey to share their thoughts on our vision, areas of focus and ambitions as well as suggest changes and tell us anything that we have missed. The survey was available in several formats including paper copy, Easy Read and large print. These were available on our web page as well as from any BCP Council library(External link), at one of our ‘drop-in’ sessions or by contacting us. Organisations could share our consultation documents.
You said
The summary report for Cabinet, Consultation Report, Easy Read Consultation Report and the DOTS Disability Report are now available.
The Cabinet agenda papers(External link) have also been released. The (External link)final version of the strategy is an agenda item on BCP Council Cabinet(External link) on 2 April 2025.
We did
Your opinions and feedback have been used to inform our final Adult Social Care Strategy 2025-28.
The Strategies Vision and Areas of Focus were greatly supported and 84% of people agreed with Our Vision - Supporting people to achieve a fulfilled life, in the way that they choose, and in a place where they feel safe.
Changes have been made to the strategy document to reflect the feedback received from the public and staff to ensure it is understood and accessible for all.
We have adapted our language to make ourselves clearly understood and accountable.
We have increased the representation of informal carers, so their voice is heard equally alongside the people we support, as people felt they were not mentioned enough.
We have also recognised the importance of choice to people and carers.
These changes are reflected in our areas of focus and ambitions and will be continuously considered in our delivery plans that will now be formulated to ensure the directorate progress the strategy.