Keeping up to date with council news and decisions

Consultation has concluded

Do you follow us on social media? Subscribe to our emails? Or not really know how or where to find out what your council is doing?

Whether you’re glued to our tweets or have never read a copy of BCP News, we’d like your ideas.

We are committed to providing trustworthy, concise, accessible, creative and clear public information, to help improve lives for people living, working and visiting our area, and put a lot of effort in to getting it right. But are we? What else could we be doing? Where else could we be sharing our content and news that makes it easier for you and those you know to access? Could we make it more relevant - and if so, how? Could we make it more engaging and attractive? Is there anything we should stop?

We welcome your thoughts and ideas. Use our online ideas board below to share your thoughts.

Do you follow us on social media? Subscribe to our emails? Or not really know how or where to find out what your council is doing?

Whether you’re glued to our tweets or have never read a copy of BCP News, we’d like your ideas.

We are committed to providing trustworthy, concise, accessible, creative and clear public information, to help improve lives for people living, working and visiting our area, and put a lot of effort in to getting it right. But are we? What else could we be doing? Where else could we be sharing our content and news that makes it easier for you and those you know to access? Could we make it more relevant - and if so, how? Could we make it more engaging and attractive? Is there anything we should stop?

We welcome your thoughts and ideas. Use our online ideas board below to share your thoughts.