Community Engagement and Consultation Strategy 2021-2024

We asked

In January 2020 we launched a consultation programme across the BCP area seeking residents’ views on a set of five draft principles to inform the development of the Community Engagement and Consultation Strategy. BCP Council is committed to asking everyone with an interest in the services that the council provides, including residents, community groups, partners, and staff, to consider proposals and share views so that they can be considered when the council makes decisions.

1 Involved communities
2 Inclusive communities
3 Transparent with our communities
4 Keeping it simple for our communities
5 Collaborative communities

We consulted residents on:
• the five draft community engagement and consultation principles
• how they currently and prefer to get involved
• what would encourage them to have their say
• local area meetings

You said

Over 1,400 people gave feedback on how they would like to get involved in council services and the decisions we make. Here are some of the results of the consultation, which have been used to shape this strategy.

  • Over 75% of respondents agreed with all five principles.
  • 56% of respondents said they would prefer to get involved in council decisions affecting the local area by taking part online.
  • Just under half of respondents would prefer to take part using paper surveys and consultation material.
  • Neighbourhood /area forums and safer neighbourhood meetings were the most preferred style of meetings.

We did

We used residents and stakeholder views to write a full and summary draft strategy and asked for further feedback on our draft versions. Here you can see the final versions of the summary and full strategy.

We asked

In January 2020 we launched a consultation programme across the BCP area seeking residents’ views on a set of five draft principles to inform the development of the Community Engagement and Consultation Strategy. BCP Council is committed to asking everyone with an interest in the services that the council provides, including residents, community groups, partners, and staff, to consider proposals and share views so that they can be considered when the council makes decisions.

1 Involved communities
2 Inclusive communities
3 Transparent with our communities
4 Keeping it simple for our communities
5 Collaborative communities

We consulted residents on:
• the five draft community engagement and consultation principles
• how they currently and prefer to get involved
• what would encourage them to have their say
• local area meetings

You said

Over 1,400 people gave feedback on how they would like to get involved in council services and the decisions we make. Here are some of the results of the consultation, which have been used to shape this strategy.

  • Over 75% of respondents agreed with all five principles.
  • 56% of respondents said they would prefer to get involved in council decisions affecting the local area by taking part online.
  • Just under half of respondents would prefer to take part using paper surveys and consultation material.
  • Neighbourhood /area forums and safer neighbourhood meetings were the most preferred style of meetings.

We did

We used residents and stakeholder views to write a full and summary draft strategy and asked for further feedback on our draft versions. Here you can see the final versions of the summary and full strategy.

Page last updated: 24 Oct 2023, 03:57 PM