Christchurch Bay and Harbour Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy Engagement - Phase 1
The engagement is now closed.
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP) and New Forest District Council (NFDC) are working together with the Environment Agency to produce a new coastal Strategy. It will guide how the frontage from Hengistbury Head to Hurst Spit, encompassing Christchurch Harbour, may be sustainably managed for the next 100 years.
We have developed a phased approach to deliver the Christchurch Bay and Harbour Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy (FCERM) by early 2024. It will identify where, when and broadly what type of works are needed to manage the risks of coastal flooding and erosion and what they may cost. It will also consider the effects of predicted climate change on coastal communities, including sea level rise and increased levels of storminess.
Phase 1 Engagement: 12 July - 15 August 2021
Respondents were asked to read the Summary Document before replying to the questions in the survey. They could also drop pins and comment on a map that shows the area that we are engaging on, and they could give us any further ideas on an 'Ideas Board'.
To support our data gathering process we asked people to share their views and provide comments on the 5 key geographical areas covered by the Strategy:
- Christchurch Harbour
- Mudeford Sandbank
- Christchurch beaches and cliffs
- Naish Cliff and Barton-on-sea
- Hordle Cliff and Milford-on-sea
We acknowledged people might just focus upon their local area, but it is important to recognise that we manage the coast as a whole and will be considering issues beyond specific locations.
We held online public engagement events about the Strategy, details of which are in the 'Timeline' on the right hand side of this page. This included a link for booking free events tickets.
Respondents could send their questions or request large print copies of the survey or in alternative languages by emailing giving their name, address and telephone number.
- Engagement report – full details of all the findings from Phase 1.
- Comments & Responses on geographical areas report – Some questions asked respondents to highlight their comments, ideas or concerns, for each of the 5 key geographical areas included in the strategy area. Written responses have been considered by the strategy delivery team and the emerging themes are highlighted in this document. This summary should be read in conjunction with the engagement report, October 2021.
As the Strategy develops there will be further opportunities for people to get involved. All comments and opinions shared with us will be used to inform and develop the Strategy and it is anticipated that it will be adopted by early 2024.
More information on the full delivery of the Strategy can be viewed on the main engagement page here.
FCERM Strategy Map
In addition to their main responses to the online survey, respondents could also comment on each of the 5 areas we have identified for the FCERM Strategy using this map. The Strategy Area pins are highlighted in pink, respondents' pins are blue, and BCP Admin photos are purple.
Please click on the map to view the engagement area and the pins mentioned above. Submissions are closed for Phase 1 but you can comment on the map for Phase 2 until 26 June 2022.
All submissions will remain private and confidential in line with GDPR guidelines.
Thank you, we value your participation.