Bus Service Improvement Plan Consultation: Bournemouth Travel Interchange to Town Centre
This consultation has now closed.
We asked the public and key stakeholders for their views on proposals for the bus route from the Bournemouth Travel Interchange (bus station at Bournemouth train station) to the town centre. These were developed from the valuable feedback you gave us during the Bus Back Better Consultation in 2022 and with further work we have conducted as part of the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) for the BCP Council area.
Your views are important to us and will help to shape the detailed design stage. Please note that, no decisions have been made at this stage and will only be made once your feedback has been carefully considered.
Have Your Say
We asked respondents to:
- Read the information document and share their views on our proposals using the online survey
- Drop pins and comment on specific locations along the consultation area using the interactive map
- Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information if necessary
- Paper versions of the information document and survey are available in all of BCP's libraries
- Refer to the BSIP Priority brochure if they wanted more background information before responding
- Download a paper copy of the survey and return it to the address below by the deadline:
Bus Service Improvement Plan Consultation, Research and Consultation Team, BCP Council, Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY; or drop them into the 'Have Your Say' boxes in any of BCP’s libraries.
Throughout the consultation period, we held the following drop-in events where interested parties could meet officers and asks questions about the proposals:
- Tuesday 5 March 2024: 10am - 5pm at Bournemouth University, EBC Building, 89 Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8EB
- Wednesday 13 March 2024: 6-7pm, Online event
- Thursday 21 March 2024: 10am - 5pm at The Bournemouth Arcade, Gervis Place, City Centre, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 2AF.
The consultation closed at midnight on 2 April 2024. If respondents had any questions or needed the survey in a different format,they could email public.transport@bcpcouncil.gov.uk. They could also refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
BSIP Consultation: Bournemouth Travel Interchange to Town Centre Map
1. Click below to open the map
2. Once opened, you can zoom in and out, and drag to move around the screen
3. The areas that relate to the proposals are highlighted in purple
4. To see other users’ thoughts, simply click on pins that appear on the map
5. To add a pin that represents your comment, i.e., what you like or dislike about the proposals, and/or anything else, please click the + button on the left-hand side. Drag and drop the relevant pin onto the map, where you can leave a comment and/or image.
6. Please note: everything you put on the map is accessible to others, so it is encouraged not to reveal any personal information.
7. In addition to commenting on the map, please also give us your views on the online survey.